
The Princes of Polotsk ruled the Principality of Polotsk within the realm of Kievan Rus or within the Grand Duchy of Lithuania from the mid ninth century to 1307.

Ragnvald Olafssonv (Rogvolod), a non-Rurikid Varangian, was the first Prince of Polotsk. When Vladimir the Great returned from exile in Scandinavia in 980 to try to claim the Kievan throne that his brother, Yaropolk, held, he sought an alliance with Rogvolod through a marriage with his daughter, Rogneda. When she refused, calling Vladimir the "son of a slave," he attacked Polotsk, killed Rogvolod and his son, and took Rogneda by force to be his wife.[1] Polotsk was then granted to Vladimir's son, Izyaslav, around the time of Christianization (988), and when Izyaslav predeceased his father in 1001, the throne of Polotsk was passed on to Izyaslav's son, Bryachislav, and the Polotsk line (the senior branch of Vladimir's sons) became izgoi and was not legally allowed to succeed to the Kievan throne,[2] although Bryachislav's son, Vseslav, held briefly the Kievan throne in 1068-1069, after it was granted to him by the veche following the Kiev Uprising.[3]

List of princes of Polotsk[]

  • Ragnvald Olafsson, fl. 977

Rurikids / Izyaslavichi of Polotsk[]

Ruler Native name Born Reign Death Parents Consort Notes
Izyaslav I Vladimirovich Изяслав Владимирович (князь полоцкий) c978 987-c1001 1001 Son of Vladimir Svyatoslavich
Vseslav I Izyaslavich Всеслав Изяславич c995 1001-1003 1003
Bryachislav I Izyaslavich Брячислав Изяславич c997 1003-1044 1044
Vseslav II Bryachislavich Usiaslau sr 2005 Всеслав Брячиславич c1039 1044-1069 1101 Bryachislav Izyaslavich
NN of Vitebsk
Vseslav II Bryachislavich Usiaslau sr 2005 Всеслав Брячиславич c1039 1069 1101 Bryachislav Izyaslavich
NN of Vitebsk
Svyatopolk I Izyaslavich 14 History Of Russia by William Tooke Святополк Изяславич 1050 1113 Izyaslav Yaroslavich
Gertrude of Poland
Daughter of Bohemia
Olena of Kipchak
Mstislav I Izyaslavich Мстислав Изяславич (князь киевский) c1046 1069 Izyaslav Mstislavich
Agnes of the Holy Roman Empire
Agnes of Poland
Vseslav II Bryachislavich Usiaslau sr 2005 Всеслав Брячиславич c1039 1069-1071 1101 Bryachislav Izyaslavich
NN of Vitebsk
Svyatopolk I Izyaslavich 14 History Of Russia by William Tooke Святополк Изяславич 1050 1113 Izyaslav Yaroslavich
Gertrude of Poland
Daughter of Bohemia
Olena of Kipchak
Vseslav II Bryachislavich Usiaslau sr 2005 Всеслав Брячиславич c1039 1071-1101 1101 Bryachislav Izyaslavich
NN of Vitebsk
1101–1129 Davyd Vseslavich
Rogvolod Vseslavich Рогволод Всеславич c1057 1127-1128 1128 Vseslav Bryachislavich
Izyaslav Mstislavich Iziaslav II of Kiev Изяслав Мстиславич c1097 1129—1132 1154 Mstislav Vladimirovich
Christina of Sweden
Agnes of the Holy Roman Empire
Svyatopolk Mstislavich Святополк Мстиславич c1115 1132 Mstislav Vladimirovich
Christina of Sweden
Eufimia of Olomouc

Vseslavichi of Polotsk[]

  • 1151–1159 Rostislav Glebovich (Prince of Minsk)
  • 1162–1167 Vseslav III Vasilkovich (Prince of Vitebsk)
  • 1167–1167 Volodar Glebovich (Prince of Minsk)
  • 1167–1180 Vseslav III Vasilkovich (Prince of Vitebsk)
Ruler Native name Born Reign Death Consort Notes
Vasilko Svyatoslavich Василько Святославич c1095 1132-1144 1144
Rogvolod Borisovich Рогволод Борисович c1095 1144-1151 c1171 Prince of Drutsk|
Rogvolod Borisovich (again) Рогволод Борисович c1095 1159-1162 c1171 Prince of Drutsk|
Boris Davydovich Борис Давыдович c1130 1180-1185 c1185
* 1186–1215 Vladimir Vseslavich (Princes of Vitebsk)
  • 1215–1222 Boris II Vseslavich (Prince of Drutsk)
  • 1222–1232 Sviatoslav Mstislavich
  • 1232–1242 Bryachislav II Vasilkovich (Prince of Vitebsk)

Lithuanian assimilation[]

  • 1252–1263 Tautvilas
  • 1264–1267 Gerdine
  • (1267–1270) Iziaslav III of Vitebsk (?)
  • 1270–1290 Konstantin the Armless
  • 1290–1307 occupation by the Livonian Order (Archbishopric of Riga)


  • 1307–1336 Vainius (Voin)
  • 1336–1345 Narimantas
  • 1345–1399 Andrei of Polotsk
  • 1377–1397 Skirgaila


  1. ^ Janet Martin, Medieval Russia 980-1584 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 1.
  2. ^ Martin, Medieval Russia, 27.
  3. ^ Martin, Medieval Russia, 29.


  • Алексеев Л. В. Полоцкая земля // Древнерусские княжества Х—XIII вв. — М., 1975., pp. 202—239.
  • Богуславский В. В. Славянская энциклопедия. Киевская Русь — Московия: в 2 т. — М.: Олма-Пресс, 2001.
  • Данилович В. Е. Очерк истории Полоцкой земли до конца XIV столетия. — К., 1896. p. 731
  • Martin, Janet, Medieval Russia, 980-1584, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995
  • Рыжов К. Все монархи мира. Россия. — Москва, Вече, 1998.

External links[]
