
Igor Glebovich of Ryazan was born 1154 to Gleb Rostislavich of Ryazan (c1127-1177) and Yevfrosiniya Rostislavovna of Pereyaslavl (c1130-1179) and died 1194 of unspecified causes. He married Agrafena Rostislavna of Smolensk (c1165-1234) .

Igor Glebovich (c1154-1194 [1]) - appanage prince of Ryazan .

Participated in the Battle of the Koloksha River (1177), in which he narrowly escaped captivity.

After Gleb Rostislavich's death in captivity in Vladimir in 1177, the Grand Principality of Ryazan was left in the joint possession of Igor and his brothers Roman and Vladimir, and the throne of the principality was taken by Roman as the older brother.

In 1180, he took part in the civil war against the brothers Vladimir and Vsevolod, supported by Vsevolod Yuryevich of Vladimir. In 1186, the second intervention of the Grand Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal into the Grand Principality of Ryazan was successful because of the struggle of Roman, Igor and Vladimir, who ruled the principality of Pronsk, against Vsevolod and Svyatoslav. Vsevolod Yuryevich of Vladimir forced the restless Princes of Ryazan princes to take an oath to obide to his will.


Brothers and sisters


Sviatoslav Jaroslavich

Yaroslav Sviatoslavich Muromsky

Ode to Stadensky

Rostislav Yaroslavich (prince of Murom)

Gleb Rostislavich (prince of Ryazan)

Igor Glebovich Ryazanskiy

Vladimir Vsevolodovich Monomakh

Yury Vladimirovich Dolgoruky


Rostislav Y. Vladimiro-Suzdal

Aepa Gireyevitch

the daughter of the Polovtsian khan

Efrosinya Rostislavna, princess of Vladimir-Suzdal


  1. ^ In the Laurentian Chronicle under one ultramartic year with the infomation about the death of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich of Kiev.. Бережков Н. Г. Хронология русского летописания

↑ In the Laurentian Chronicle under one ultramartic year with the infomation about the death of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich of Kiev. -Berezhkov N.G..Chronology of the Russian Chronicle ↑ Slavonic Encyclopedia. Kievan Rus - Muscovy: in 2 tons / Author-compiler VV Boguslavsky . - T. 1 . - P. 768.


  • Igor Glebovich // Encyclopaedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron  : 86 t. (82 t. And 4 ext.). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.

See also

Grand Principality of Ryazan


Offspring of Igor Glebovich of Ryazan and Agrafena Rostislavna of Smolensk (c1165-1234)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Roman Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1187-1217)]] 1187The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. 20 July 1217The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected. [[The part "]]" of the query was not understood.</br>Results might not be as expected.]]
Ingvar Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1190-1235) 1190 1235
Yuri Igoryevich of Ryazan (c1192-1237) 1187 21 December 1217 Ryazan, Ryazan Oblast, Ryazan Rayon, Russia


Offspring of Gleb Rostislavich of Ryazan (c1127-1177) and Yevfrosiniya Rostislavovna of Pereyaslavl (c1130-1179)
Name Birth Death Joined with
Andrei Glebovich of Ryazan (c1150-c1185) 1150 1185
Roman Glebovich of Ryazan (c1152-1216) 1152 1216 Unnamed daughter of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich (c1163-c1225)
Igor Glebovich of Ryazan (c1154-1194) 1154 1194 Agrafena Rostislavna of Smolensk (c1165-1234)
Feodosya Glebovna of Ryazan (c1156-c1200) 1156 1200 Mstislav Rostislavich of Novgorod (c1143-1180)
Vladimir Glebovich of Pronsk (c1158-c1186)
Vsevolod Glebovich of Pronsk (c1160-1207) 1160 1207
Svyatoslav Glebovich of Pronsk (c1162-1207) 1162 1207
Yaroslav Glebovich of Ryazan (c1164-c1199) 1164 1199 Vseslava Ryurikovna (c1180-c1220)


Footnotes (including sources)


Igor Glebovich
Born: c1154 Died: 1194
Regnal titles
Preceded by
Creation of the Principality
Prince of Ryazan
Succeeded by
Vasilko Yuryevich
Preceded by
Vasilko Yuryevich
Prince of Ryazan
Succeeded by
Andrei Yuryevich
Preceded by
Izyaslav II Mstislavich
Prince of Ryazanyears=1149–1151 Succeeded by
Izyaslav II Mstislavich
Preceded by
Rostislav Mstislavich
Grand Prince of Kiev
Succeeded by
Izyaslav III Davydovich