Forums: Index > Watercooler > Dutch and other translators- automatic biographies

Bill created an interesting template that creates a narrative from SMW fields. I inserted some wrapper templates to make it easier to construct these sorts of narratives. I can imagine these narrative templates going into all the myriad life event details that are available from the current Form:Person values.

This will liven up a lot of the Gedcom source material we are importing. Further, it makes our content potentially available to wider audiences. Which is a long winded way of getting at the point of this note.

Would anyone adept enough at Dutch, German feel up to making a version of Template:Biography SMW in another language? -~ Phlox 20:16, 16 June 2009 (UTC)

Would that be "Biography SMW (nl)" or "Biography" or "Biography SMW/nl" or "Levensloop"? By the way, I think that we should drop the SMW and simply do away with the old parser-based "Biography". rtol 19:25, 22 June 2009 (UTC)