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Otto Edward Winblad (1892) birth certificate

7674801 1079820556a

Otto Edward Winblad (1892) death certificate

Winblad-OttoEdward 1892 birth

Otto Edward Winblad (1892) birth indexed

Otto Edward Winblad (1892-1892) died as an infant at 111 days from "acute bronchitis". (b. August 19, 1892, 447 Washington Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York County, New York, 10013-1723, USA - d. December 08, 1892, 447 Washington Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York County, New York, 10013-1723, USA) He lived for 111 days old if we do not count the day of her death as a full day. She was 3 months and 19 days old if we do not count the day of her death as a full day.



The New York City Birth Index lists him as "Otto E. Winbled" with birth certificate "32258".


His siblings include: Anton Julius Winblad (1886-1975) aka Tony Winblad, who married Eva Ariel Lattin (1892-1939) and after her death married Marguerite Van Rensselaer Schuyler (1891-1972) aka Marge Lattin; Theodora Winblad (1888) who died as an infant; Mary Winblad (1889) who died as an infant; Marie Elizabeth Winblad (1895-1987) aka Mae Winblad, who married Arthur Oscar Freudenberg (1891-1968); John Edward Winblad II (1897-1899) aka Eddie Winblad; and Otto Perry Winblad (1902-1977) who married Helen Louise Hollenbach (1905-1928) and after her death married Leah Maria Way (1901-1986).


Otto Edward Winblad died in 1892 of "acute bronchitis". The New York City Death Index listed him as "Otto E. Winbled" which was transcribed as "Otto B. Winbled" in the electronic index. His death certificate was number "42084". He lived for 111 days old if we do not count the day of her death as a full day. She was 3 months and 19 days old if we do not count the day of her death as a full day.


He was buried in Evergreen Cemetery at 1629 Bushwick Avenue in Brooklyn in New York with his infant sisters: Theodora Winblad and Mary Winblad.
