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Dirk Tol; check from time to time and copy as desired.

"Dirk Tol" may refer to:

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First name match
 Birth placeDeath placeFatherMotherJoined with
Dirk Tol (1786-1856)Venhuizen, North Holland, NetherlandsVenhuizen, North Holland, NetherlandsCrelis Tol (1749-1804)Trijntje Kamper (c1754-1802)Antje Buurman (1790-1836)
Dirk Tol (1833-1874)Venhuizen, North Holland, NetherlandsHarenkarspel, North Holland, NetherlandsDirk Tol (1786-1856)Antje Buurman (1790-1836)Maria Rong (1825-1892)
Dirk Tol (1840-1913)Venhuizen, North Holland, NetherlandsHarenkarspel, North Holland, NetherlandsCornelis Tol (1813-1901)Aagje Weel (1809-1861)Marijtje Visser (1841-1908)
Dirk Tol (1858-1915)Venhuizen, North Holland, NetherlandsLutjebroek, North Holland, NetherlandsKlaas Tol (1815-1859)Dieuwertje Commandeur (1821-1884)Meinauwtje Doodeman (1860-1924)
Dirk Tol (1850-?)Venhuizen, North Holland, NetherlandsJacob Tol (1818-1875)Teetje Brugman (1825-1904)Marijtje Visser (1853-?)
Dirk Tol (1894-1962)Harenkarspel, North Holland, NetherlandsTuitjenhorn, North Holland, NetherlandsKees Tol (1864-1931)Catharina Takken (1866-1935)Agatha C.B. Bleyendaal (1892-1927)
Dirk Tol (1919-1997)Westwoud, North Holland, NetherlandsSchagen, North Holland, NetherlandsNic Tol (1888-1958)Anna Koster (1893-1977)Anna Kochx (1925-)
Dirk Tol (1947-)Zijpe, North Holland, NetherlandsCor Tol (1921-1999)Gre Komen (1924-)Truus Impink (?-)
Middle name match

No person has that first name as sole middle name with that surname

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