
This page collects information about people with surname Burgess who were known or believed to have lived in Washington County, Utah.

Notable Individuals

Notable Landmarks

See Also

:Note, for the following tables, that there may be more than one county or district of this name and that some contributors may have entered a different (possibly shorter and/or ambiguous) name when this one was meant. Search for similar names to get a more complete result. Common abbreviations are "Co." and "Cty", but there may have been no word for "county" (or equivalent) included, or such a word may have been wrongly included.

Familypedia people with surname Burgess in Washington County, Utah

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Born in Washington County, Utah

 Birth placeBirth dateFatherMotherJoined with-g1
Lillis Burgess (1897-1985)Gunlock, Washington County, Utah, United States19 August 1897Isaac Henry Burgess (1859-1939)Joanna Elizabeth Keyes (1872-1961)Henry Jesse Holt (1892-1967)

Baptised in Washington County, Utah

Married in Washington County, Utah

See also Category:Married in Washington County, Utah

Grouping is for "first marriage", "second marriage", etc as indicated in column headings

 Birth placeBaptism placeWedding1 dateWedding1 placeJoined with-g1
Fredrick Burgess (1880-1951)Ashley, Uintah County, Utah, United States21 December 1905St. George, Washington County, Utah, United StatesFlorence Elizabeth Pulsipher (1888-1987)
Isaac Henry Burgess (1859-1939)Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States20 March 1878St. George, Washington County, Utah, United StatesPenelope Thomas (1859-1894)
Lillis Burgess (1897-1985)Gunlock, Washington County, Utah, United States17 February 1914St. George, Washington County, Utah, United StatesHenry Jesse Holt (1892-1967)
 Birth placeBaptism placeWedding2 dateWedding2 placeJoined with-g2
Isaac Henry Burgess (1859-1939)Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States21 November 1896St. George, Washington County, Utah, United StatesJoanna Elizabeth Keyes (1872-1961)
 Birth placeBaptism placeWedding3 dateWedding3 placeJoined with-g3
Hyrum William Burgess (1837-1924)Kirtland, Geauga County, Ohio, United States4 March 1872Pinto, Washington County, UtahAgnes Smith (1851-1933)

Died in Washington County, Utah

See also Category:Died in Washington County, Utah
 Death dateDeath placeBirth placeFatherMotherJoined with
Don Carlos Burgess (1858-1892)20 March 1892St. George, Washington County, Utah, United StatesSalt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United StatesMelancthon Wheeler Burgess (1831-1904)Margaret Jane McIntire (1837-1919)Cathern Leonor Allphin (1869-1943)
Harrison Burgess (1814-1883)10 February 1883Pine Valley, Washington County, Utah, United StatesPutnam, Washington County, New York, United StatesWilliam Burgess (1794-1880)Vilate Stockwell (1794-1880)Sophia Minerva Foster (1810-1889) + Amanda Melvina Hammond (1827-1882)
Lillis Burgess (1897-1985)12 April 1985St. George, Washington County, Utah, United StatesGunlock, Washington County, Utah, United StatesIsaac Henry Burgess (1859-1939)Joanna Elizabeth Keyes (1872-1961)Henry Jesse Holt (1892-1967)
Mary Almeda Burgess (1849-1881)29 December 1881St. George, Washington County, Utah, United StatesSalt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United StatesHarrison Burgess (1814-1883)Amanda Melvina Hammond (1827-1882)William Gardner (1846-1932)

Buried in Washington County, Utah

 Remains dateRemains placeBirth placeBaptism placeFatherMotherJoined with
Mary Almeda Burgess (1849-1881)9999Pine Valley Cemetery, Washington County, UtahSalt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United StatesHarrison Burgess (1814-1883)Amanda Melvina Hammond (1827-1882)William Gardner (1846-1932)